Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Can you speak English very well?

Some of you might think since my writing skill is good, I must also speak English very well and probably sound very much like a native English speaker.

Oh well, I wish. The truth of the matter is no…not yet!

I might write like an American most of the time but, in my opinion, my speaking still need to be improved. I am able to speak English well but not as fluent as my Thai, especially when I want to yell at someone. :) Like some of you, I still suffer from Thai accent syndrome and often speak “Tinglish” instead of English.

This might help you feel better about your English if I tell you I have already been in America for 7 years (3 years of schooling and 4 years of working). I try to improve my speaking skill but it seems to be progressed slowly nowadays. Maybe I am getting old?? My learning curve doesn’t grow as fast as when I first came here. My speaking tends to get worse when I am tired (working too hard, having a stressful day or not having enough sleep). When it happens, my brain starts to have a hard time processing an English vocabulary word. As a result, I start to speak English and Thai together in one sentence without noticing it. My American accent becomes Thai accent. I occasionally forget how to pronounce the simple word, too.

Have you experience the same problem as I have?

Also, if I spend a lot of time reading and/or speaking Thai with my friends and family, my English speaking ability will go down hill so quickly. I can’t switch back and forth between Thai and English easily. I can only remember a word in Thai but not in English. For example, instead of thinking of the word “airplane”, I might refer to it as “A big thing that flies in the sky” in English and perhaps point at the sky to give you a clue. Don’t be surprise if you sometimes hear me call “a rice cooker” as “A pot that you can plug into a wall to make rice”.

How about you? How long have you been in America?

Have you had the same problem as I have?

How did you handle it?

What do you do to improve your speaking skill?


  1. Hello khun gee. I knew you from USVISA,and I try to read all of you topics.It's made me think about my English so much. I stayed in US for 4 months,but I think my English is so bad really.
    Thank you for your blog,that gave me energy to improve my English. I hope one day I can write a correct journal and have a great blog like you.
    Thank you kha

  2. Jum,

    Thanks for visiting my blog and glad it inspires you. :) You have been here for only 4 months. It’s not very long but your writing is good. I am impressed! It took me more than 4 months to write like you. Your comment helps me feel good and want to continue creating a good story for an audience like you.

    Did you go to school to learn more English? What do you do to improve your speaking skill?

  3. Khun gee,
    I just filled application English course at liabrary that closed to my apartment.Yes Its free.Last week I was finished English summer course at Prospect park liabrary.Teacher was gorgeous.She gave attention for everybody that helped me a lot.I like to watch much but you know I need help about listening , I alway read from subtitle ,Absolutely I enjoyed it.
    Khun gee be honest I like your blog,and need you continue good story that useful for Thai.
    Thank you so much.I promise you, I will try do best ja.
    Take care kha

  4. Jum,

    Watching TV is the best way to improve your listening. You are on the right track :).

    I like to watch a home show on HGTV such as House Hunter, Property Virgin and Design to Sell. I also like a comedy show such as the Soup on E!Entertainment,the Daily Show with Jon Stewart on Comedy channel. Some crazy shows like Survivor and the Bachelor are my favorites, too. How about you? What kind of show do you like to watch? And which channel?

    Let me know what else you would like to know. I am happy to write about it. :)

    Good luck and have fun on your study...ka.

  5. Sawasdee kha P'Gee,

    I have been in the states for 4 months. Before I came here I thought my english was just fine since I could communicate with my co-workers, and able to communicate with the customers via email. But I was wrong, and now my writing is getting worse, (no more practice since I resigned). I lost confidence to speak with people (except my husband), even to post some thing in english. I do not understand when I watch TV. I have to turn on subtitle and it helps a lot. I am thinking about take a class at the library but I have to wait for the drivers license first.

    PS. Thank you for visited my multiple. I am looking forward to see you on 4th Oct ka.

  6. Aey, thanks for sharing your story. Which part do you think it’s the most difficult for you to improve, listening, speaking or writing?

    Btw, don’t worry. You have been here for only 4 months. It takes sometime to adjust to American’s life style. When my husband and I moved back to America, it took me more than a year to be myself and to gain my confidence back. I didn’t feel comfortable talking to a stranger here although I spoke English all the time at home in Thailand and frequently had to speak English at work.

    I think reading Closed captioning on TV is very helpful. I have it on all the time, still. I think when you take a class, you will have a chance to meet new people and make a new friend. Your English will be improved and you will definitely gain your confidence back.

    Good luck on your driving test. Hope you get your driver’s license very soon.

    See you on Oct 4th…ja.

  7. Hello P'Gee,

    I'm so sorry that I haven't followed up with your blog for quite a while. I have no excuse for that though :)

    I found this topic very interesting, so I want to share my story too.

    I've been here permanently for almost two years. Prior to settling here, I had great confidence in my English proficiency, as I majored in English. The courses of study were very intense and that helped me a lot with my English. I was eager to speak English, but not with teachers though >_<

    However, my confidence went completely after the first month in America. I was scared of speaking English with natives. Some of them didn't understand what I was saying and vice versa. I always asked my husband to make a phone call and talk to them for me - well, I still do.

    And yes - I've experienced the same problem as you have. When my brain gets stuck, I handle it like you do...hahaha.

    What do I do to improve my speaking skill? I go to work. I get to speak English with my co-workers and customers all day and almost everyday. Also, I even do speak English (and Thai sometimes) with my cats. Believe it or not, I think my cats are bilingual now....

    Until now, I'm still afraid of speaking English with natives. It makes me look like I'm an introvert which I am not. My husband always encourages me to speak more and more....hahaha

  8. Puen,

    Thanks for sharing your story. It's a good one!

    I agree interacting with people definitely helps improve your English. With your good background, I am sure you will overcome this hump easily. Good luck to you!

    Btw, I speak to my dogs all the time, too. They can understand some English and Thai words. :) We both have bilingual pets...hahaha :)

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